Source code for torchkbnufft.functional.nufft

from typing import List, Optional, Tuple

import torch
from torch import Tensor

from .._nufft.fft import fft_and_scale, ifft_and_scale
from .interp import (

[docs]def kb_spmat_nufft( image: Tensor, scaling_coef: Tensor, im_size: Tensor, grid_size: Tensor, interp_mats: Tuple[Tensor, Tensor], norm: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Tensor: """Kaiser-Bessel NUFFT with sparse matrix interpolation. See :py:class:`~torchkbnufft.KbNufft` for an overall description of the forward NUFFT. To calculate the sparse matrix tuple, see :py:meth:`~torchkbnufft.calc_tensor_spmatrix`. Args: image: Image to be NUFFT'd to scattered data. scaling_coef: Image-domain coefficients to pre-compensate for interpolation errors. im_size: Size of image with length being the number of dimensions. grid_size: Size of grid to use for interpolation, typically 1.25 to 2 times ``im_size``. interp_mats: 2-tuple of real, imaginary sparse matrices to use for sparse matrix KB interpolation. norm: Whether to apply normalization with the FFT operation. Options are ``"ortho"`` or ``None``. Returns: ``image`` calculated at scattered Fourier locations. """ is_complex = True if not image.is_complex(): if not image.shape[-1] == 2: raise ValueError("For real inputs, last dimension must be size 2.") is_complex = False image = torch.view_as_complex(image) data = kb_spmat_interp( image=fft_and_scale( image=image, scaling_coef=scaling_coef, im_size=im_size, grid_size=grid_size, norm=norm, ), interp_mats=interp_mats, ) if is_complex is False: data = torch.view_as_real(data) return data
[docs]def kb_spmat_nufft_adjoint( data: Tensor, scaling_coef: Tensor, im_size: Tensor, grid_size: Tensor, interp_mats: Tuple[Tensor, Tensor], norm: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Tensor: """Kaiser-Bessel adjoint NUFFT with sparse matrix interpolation. See :py:class:`~torchkbnufft.KbNufftAdjoint` for an overall description of the adjoint NUFFT. To calculate the sparse matrix tuple, see :py:meth:`~torchkbnufft.calc_tensor_spmatrix`. Args: data: Scattered data to be iNUFFT'd to an image. scaling_coef: Image-domain coefficients to compensate for interpolation errors. im_size: Size of image with length being the number of dimensions. grid_size: Size of grid to use for interpolation, typically 1.25 to 2 times ``im_size``. interp_mats: 2-tuple of real, imaginary sparse matrices to use for sparse matrix KB interpolation. norm: Whether to apply normalization with the FFT operation. Options are ``"ortho"`` or ``None``. Returns: ``data`` transformed to an image. """ is_complex = True if not data.is_complex(): if not data.shape[-1] == 2: raise ValueError("For real inputs, last dimension must be size 2.") is_complex = False data = torch.view_as_complex(data) image = ifft_and_scale( image=kb_spmat_interp_adjoint( data=data, interp_mats=interp_mats, grid_size=grid_size ), scaling_coef=scaling_coef, im_size=im_size, grid_size=grid_size, norm=norm, ) if is_complex is False: image = torch.view_as_real(image) return image
[docs]def kb_table_nufft( image: Tensor, scaling_coef: Tensor, im_size: Tensor, grid_size: Tensor, omega: Tensor, tables: List[Tensor], n_shift: Tensor, numpoints: Tensor, table_oversamp: Tensor, offsets: Tensor, norm: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Tensor: """Kaiser-Bessel NUFFT with table interpolation. See :py:class:`~torchkbnufft.KbNufft` for an overall description of the forward NUFFT. Args: image: Image to be NUFFT'd to scattered data. scaling_coef: Image-domain coefficients to pre-compensate for interpolation errors. im_size: Size of image with length being the number of dimensions. grid_size: Size of grid to use for interpolation, typically 1.25 to 2 times ``im_size``. omega: k-space trajectory (in radians/voxel). tables: Interpolation tables (one table for each dimension). n_shift: Size for fftshift, usually ``im_size // 2``. numpoints: Number of neighbors to use for interpolation. table_oversamp: Table oversampling factor. offsets: A list of offsets, looping over all possible combinations of `numpoints`. norm: Whether to apply normalization with the FFT operation. Options are ``"ortho"`` or ``None``. Returns: ``image`` calculated at scattered Fourier locations. """ is_complex = True if not image.is_complex(): if not image.shape[-1] == 2: raise ValueError("For real inputs, last dimension must be size 2.") is_complex = False image = torch.view_as_complex(image) data = kb_table_interp( image=fft_and_scale( image=image, scaling_coef=scaling_coef, im_size=im_size, grid_size=grid_size, norm=norm, ), omega=omega, tables=tables, n_shift=n_shift, numpoints=numpoints, table_oversamp=table_oversamp, offsets=offsets, ) if is_complex is False: data = torch.view_as_real(data) return data
[docs]def kb_table_nufft_adjoint( data: Tensor, scaling_coef: Tensor, im_size: Tensor, grid_size: Tensor, omega: Tensor, tables: List[Tensor], n_shift: Tensor, numpoints: Tensor, table_oversamp: Tensor, offsets: Tensor, norm: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Tensor: """Kaiser-Bessel NUFFT adjoint with table interpolation. See :py:class:`~torchkbnufft.KbNufftAdjoint` for an overall description of the adjoint NUFFT. Args: data: Scattered data to be iNUFFT'd to an image. scaling_coef: Image-domain coefficients to compensate for interpolation errors. im_size: Size of image with length being the number of dimensions. grid_size: Size of grid to use for interpolation, typically 1.25 to 2 times ``im_size``. omega: k-space trajectory (in radians/voxel). tables: Interpolation tables (one table for each dimension). n_shift: Size for fftshift, usually ``im_size // 2``. numpoints: Number of neighbors to use for interpolation. table_oversamp: Table oversampling factor. offsets: A list of offsets, looping over all possible combinations of `numpoints`. norm: Whether to apply normalization with the FFT operation. Options are ``"ortho"`` or ``None``. Returns: ``data`` transformed to an image. """ is_complex = True if not data.is_complex(): if not data.shape[-1] == 2: raise ValueError("For real inputs, last dimension must be size 2.") is_complex = False data = torch.view_as_complex(data) image = ifft_and_scale( image=kb_table_interp_adjoint( data=data, omega=omega, tables=tables, n_shift=n_shift, numpoints=numpoints, table_oversamp=table_oversamp, offsets=offsets, grid_size=grid_size, ), scaling_coef=scaling_coef, im_size=im_size, grid_size=grid_size, norm=norm, ) if is_complex is False: image = torch.view_as_real(image) return image