Source code for torchkbnufft.modules.kbinterp

from typing import Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import torch
import torchkbnufft.functional as tkbnF
from torch import Tensor

from ._kbmodule import KbModule

class KbInterpModule(KbModule):
    """Parent class for KbInterp classes.

    See subclasses for an explanation of inputs.

    def __init__(
        im_size: Sequence[int],
        grid_size: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None,
        numpoints: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = 6,
        n_shift: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None,
        table_oversamp: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = 2 ** 10,
        kbwidth: float = 2.34,
        order: Union[float, Sequence[float]] = 0.0,
        dtype: torch.dtype = None,
        device: torch.device = None,

[docs]class KbInterp(KbInterpModule): r"""Non-uniform Kaiser-Bessel interpolation layer. This object interpolates a grid of Fourier data to off-grid locations using a Kaiser-Bessel kernel. Mathematically, in one dimension it estimates :math:`Y_m, m \in [0, ..., M-1]` at frequency locations :math:`\omega_m` from :math:`X_k, k \in [0, ..., K-1]`, the oversampled DFT of :math:`x_n, n \in [0, ..., N-1]`. To perform the estimate, this layer applies .. math:: Y_m = \sum_{j=1}^J X_{\{k_m+j\}_K}u^*_j(\omega_m), where :math:`u` is the Kaiser-Bessel kernel, :math:`k_m` is the index of the root offset of nearest samples of :math:`X` to frequency location :math:`\omega_m`, and :math:`J` is the number of nearest neighbors to use from :math:`X_k`. Multiple dimensions are handled separably. For a detailed description of the notation see `Nonuniform fast Fourier transforms using min-max interpolation (JA Fessler and BP Sutton) <>`_. When called, the parameters of this class define properties of the kernel and how the interpolation is applied. * :attr:`im_size` is the size of the base image, analagous to :math:`N` (used for calculating the kernel but not for the actual operation). * :attr:`grid_size` is the size of the grid prior to interpolation, analogous to :math:`K`. To reduce errors, NUFFT operations are done on an oversampled grid to reduce interpolation distances. This will typically be 1.25 to 2 times :attr:`im_size`. * :attr:`numpoints` is the number of nearest to use for interpolation, i.e., :math:`J`. * :attr:`n_shift` is the FFT shift distance, typically :attr:`im_size // 2`. Args: im_size: Size of image with length being the number of dimensions. grid_size: Size of grid to use for interpolation, typically 1.25 to 2 times ``im_size``. Default: ``2 * im_size`` numpoints: Number of neighbors to use for interpolation in each dimension. n_shift: Size for ``fftshift``. Default: ``im_size // 2``. table_oversamp: Table oversampling factor. kbwidth: Size of Kaiser-Bessel kernel. order: Order of Kaiser-Bessel kernel. dtype: Data type for tensor buffers. Default: ``torch.get_default_dtype()`` device: Which device to create tensors on. Default: ``torch.device('cpu')`` Examples: >>> image = torch.randn(1, 1, 8, 8) + 1j * torch.randn(1, 1, 8, 8) >>> omega = torch.rand(2, 12) * 2 * np.pi - np.pi >>> kb_ob = tkbn.KbInterp(im_size=(8, 8), grid_size=(8, 8)) >>> data = kb_ob(image, omega) """
[docs] def forward( self, image: Tensor, omega: Tensor, interp_mats: Optional[Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]] = None, ) -> Tensor: """Interpolate from gridded data to scattered data. Input tensors should be of shape ``(N, C) + grid_size``, where ``N`` is the batch size and ``C`` is the number of sensitivity coils. ``omega``, the k-space trajectory, should be of size ``(len(grid_size), klength)``, where ``klength`` is the length of the k-space trajectory. If your tensors are real-valued, ensure that 2 is the size of the last dimension. Args: image: Gridded data to be interpolated to scattered data. omega: k-space trajectory (in radians/voxel). interp_mats: 2-tuple of real, imaginary sparse matrices to use for sparse matrix KB interpolation (overrides default table interpolation). Returns: ``image`` calculated at Fourier frequencies specified by ``omega``. """ is_complex = True if not image.is_complex(): if not image.shape[-1] == 2: raise ValueError("For real inputs, last dimension must be size 2.") is_complex = False image = torch.view_as_complex(image) if interp_mats is not None: output = tkbnF.kb_spmat_interp(image=image, interp_mats=interp_mats) else: tables = [] for i in range(len(self.im_size)): # type: ignore tables.append(getattr(self, f"table_{i}")) assert isinstance(self.n_shift, Tensor) assert isinstance(self.numpoints, Tensor) assert isinstance(self.table_oversamp, Tensor) assert isinstance(self.offsets, Tensor) output = tkbnF.kb_table_interp( image=image, omega=omega, tables=tables, n_shift=self.n_shift, numpoints=self.numpoints, table_oversamp=self.table_oversamp,, ) if not is_complex: output = torch.view_as_real(output) return output
[docs]class KbInterpAdjoint(KbInterpModule): r"""Non-uniform Kaiser-Bessel interpolation adjoint layer. This object interpolates off-grid Fourier data to on-grid locations using a Kaiser-Bessel kernel. Mathematically, in one dimension it estimates :math:`X_k, k \in [0, ..., K-1]`, the oversampled DFT of :math:`x_n, n \in [0, ..., N-1]`, from a signal :math:`Y_m, m \in [0, ..., M-1]` at frequency locations :math:`\omega_m`. To perform the estimate, this layer applies .. math:: X_k = \sum_{j=1}^J \sum_{m=0}^{M-1} Y_m u_j(\omega_m) \mathbb{1}_{\{\{k_m+j\}_K=k\}}, where :math:`u` is the Kaiser-Bessel kernel, :math:`k_m` is the index of the root offset of nearest samples of :math:`X` to frequency location :math:`\omega_m`, :math:`\mathbb{1}` is an indicator function, and :math:`J` is the number of nearest neighbors to use from :math:`X_k`. Multiple dimensions are handled separably. For a detailed description of the notation see `Nonuniform fast Fourier transforms using min-max interpolation (JA Fessler and BP Sutton) <>`_. Note: This function is not the inverse of :py:class:`KbInterp`; it is the adjoint. When called, the parameters of this class define properties of the kernel and how the interpolation is applied. * :attr:`im_size` is the size of the base image, analagous to :math:`N` (used for calculating the kernel but not for the actual operation). * :attr:`grid_size` is the size of the grid after adjoint interpolation, analogous to :math:`K`. To reduce errors, NUFFT operations are done on an oversampled grid to reduce interpolation distances. This will typically be 1.25 to 2 times :attr:`im_size`. * :attr:`numpoints` is the number of nearest neighbors to use for interpolation, i.e., :math:`J`. * :attr:`n_shift` is the FFT shift distance, typically :attr:`im_size // 2`. Args: im_size: Size of image with length being the number of dimensions. grid_size: Size of grid to use for interpolation, typically 1.25 to 2 times ``im_size``. Default: ``2 * im_size`` numpoints: Number of neighbors to use for interpolation in each dimension. n_shift: Size for ``fftshift``. Default: ``im_size // 2``. table_oversamp: Table oversampling factor. kbwidth: Size of Kaiser-Bessel kernel. order: Order of Kaiser-Bessel kernel. dtype: Data type for tensor buffers. Default: ``torch.get_default_dtype()`` device: Which device to create tensors on. Default: ``torch.device('cpu')`` Examples: >>> data = torch.randn(1, 1, 12) + 1j * torch.randn(1, 1, 12) >>> omega = torch.rand(2, 12) * 2 * np.pi - np.pi >>> adjkb_ob = tkbn.KbInterpAdjoint(im_size=(8, 8), grid_size=(8, 8)) >>> image = adjkb_ob(data, omega) """
[docs] def forward( self, data: Tensor, omega: Tensor, interp_mats: Optional[Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]] = None, grid_size: Optional[Tensor] = None, ) -> Tensor: """Interpolate from scattered data to gridded data. Input tensors should be of shape ``(N, C) + klength``, where ``N`` is the batch size and ``C`` is the number of sensitivity coils. ``omega``, the k-space trajectory, should be of size ``(len(im_size), klength)``, where ``klength`` is the length of the k-space trajectory. If your tensors are real-valued, ensure that 2 is the size of the last dimension. Args: data: Data to be gridded. omega: k-space trajectory (in radians/voxel). interp_mats: 2-tuple of real, imaginary sparse matrices to use for sparse matrix KB interpolation (overrides default table interpolation). Returns: ``data`` interpolated to the grid. """ is_complex = True if not data.is_complex(): if not data.shape[-1] == 2: raise ValueError("For real inputs, last dimension must be size 2.") is_complex = False data = torch.view_as_complex(data) if grid_size is None: assert isinstance(self.grid_size, Tensor) grid_size = self.grid_size if interp_mats is not None: output = tkbnF.kb_spmat_interp_adjoint( data=data, interp_mats=interp_mats, grid_size=grid_size ) else: tables = [] for i in range(len(self.im_size)): # type: ignore tables.append(getattr(self, f"table_{i}")) assert isinstance(self.n_shift, Tensor) assert isinstance(self.numpoints, Tensor) assert isinstance(self.table_oversamp, Tensor) assert isinstance(self.offsets, Tensor) output = tkbnF.kb_table_interp_adjoint( data=data, omega=omega, tables=tables, n_shift=self.n_shift, numpoints=self.numpoints, table_oversamp=self.table_oversamp, offsets=self.offsets, grid_size=grid_size, ) if not is_complex: output = torch.view_as_real(output) return output