Source code for torchkbnufft._math

import torch
from torch import Tensor

[docs]def absolute(val: Tensor, dim: int = -1) -> Tensor: """Complex absolute value. Args: val: A tensor to have its absolute value computed. dim: An integer indicating the complex dimension (for real inputs only). Returns: The absolute value of ``val``. """ if torch.is_complex(val): abs_val = torch.abs(val) else: if not val.shape[dim] == 2: raise ValueError("Real input does not have dimension size 2 at dim.") abs_val = torch.sqrt(, 0) ** 2 +, 1) ** 2 ).unsqueeze(dim) return abs_val
[docs]def complex_mult(val1: Tensor, val2: Tensor, dim: int = -1) -> Tensor: """Complex multiplication. Args: val1: A tensor to be multiplied. val2: A second tensor to be multiplied. dim: An integer indicating the complex dimension (for real inputs only). Returns: ``val1 * val2``, where ``*`` executes complex multiplication. """ if not val1.dtype == val2.dtype: raise ValueError("val1 has different dtype than val2.") if torch.is_complex(val1): val3 = val1 * val2 else: if not val1.shape[dim] == val2.shape[dim] == 2: raise ValueError("Real input does not have dimension size 2 at dim.") real_a =, 0) imag_a =, 1) real_b =, 0) imag_b =, 1) val3 = torch.stack( (real_a * real_b - imag_a * imag_b, imag_a * real_b + real_a * imag_b), dim ) return val3
[docs]def complex_sign(val: Tensor, dim: int = -1) -> Tensor: """Complex sign function value. Args: val: A tensor to have its complex sign computed. dim: An integer indicating the complex dimension (for real inputs only). Returns: The complex sign of ``val``. """ is_complex = False if torch.is_complex(val): is_complex = True val = torch.view_as_real(val) dim = -1 elif not val.shape[dim] == 2: raise ValueError("Real input does not have dimension size 2 at dim.") sign_val = torch.atan2(, 1),, 0)) sign_val = imag_exp(sign_val, dim=dim, return_complex=is_complex) return sign_val
[docs]def conj_complex_mult(val1: Tensor, val2: Tensor, dim: int = -1) -> Tensor: """Complex multiplication, conjugating second input. Args: val1: A tensor to be multiplied. val2: A second tensor to be conjugated then multiplied. dim: An integer indicating the complex dimension (for real inputs only). Returns: ``val3 = val1 * conj(val2)``, where * executes complex multiplication. """ if not val1.dtype == val2.dtype: raise ValueError("val1 has different dtype than val2.") if torch.is_complex(val1): val3 = val1 * val2.conj() else: if not val1.shape[dim] == val2.shape[dim] == 2: raise ValueError("Real input does not have dimension size 2 at dim.") real_a =, 0) imag_a =, 1) real_b =, 0) imag_b =, 1) val3 = torch.stack( (real_a * real_b + imag_a * imag_b, imag_a * real_b - real_a * imag_b), dim ) return val3
[docs]def imag_exp(val: Tensor, dim: int = -1, return_complex: bool = True) -> Tensor: r"""Imaginary exponential. Args: val: A tensor to be exponentiated. dim: An integer indicating the complex dimension of the output (for real outputs only). Returns: ``val2 = exp(i*val)``, where ``i`` is ``sqrt(-1)``. """ val2 = torch.stack((torch.cos(val), torch.sin(val)), -1) if return_complex: val2 = torch.view_as_complex(val2) return val2
[docs]def inner_product(val1: Tensor, val2: Tensor, dim: int = -1) -> Tensor: """Complex inner product. Args: val1: A tensor for the inner product. val2: A second tensor for the inner product. dim: An integer indicating the complex dimension (for real inputs only). Returns: The complex inner product of ``val1`` and ``val2``. """ if not val1.dtype == val2.dtype: raise ValueError("val1 has different dtype than val2.") if not torch.is_complex(val1): if not val1.shape[dim] == val2.shape[dim] == 2: raise ValueError("Real input does not have dimension size 2 at dim.") inprod = conj_complex_mult(val2, val1, dim=dim) if not torch.is_complex(val1): inprod = (, 0).sum().view(1),, 1).sum().view(1)) ) else: inprod = torch.sum(inprod) return inprod