Source code for torchkbnufft._nufft.toep

from typing import Optional, Sequence, Union

import torch
import torchkbnufft as tkbn
from torch import Tensor

from ..modules import KbNufftAdjoint
from .fft import fft_fn

[docs]def calc_toeplitz_kernel( omega: Tensor, im_size: Sequence[int], weights: Optional[Tensor] = None, norm: Optional[str] = None, grid_size: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, numpoints: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = 6, table_oversamp: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = 2 ** 10, kbwidth: float = 2.34, order: Union[float, Sequence[float]] = 0.0, ) -> Tensor: r"""Calculates an FFT kernel for Toeplitz embedding. The kernel is calculated using a adjoint NUFFT object. If the adjoint applies :math:`A'`, then this script calculates :math:`D` where :math:`F'DF \approx A'WA`, where :math:`F` is a DFT matrix and :math:`W` is a set of non-Cartesian k-space weights. :math:`D` can then be used to approximate :math:`A'WA` without any interpolation operations. For details on Toeplitz embedding, see `Efficient numerical methods in non-uniform sampling theory (Feichtinger et al.) <>`_. This function has optional parameters for initializing a NUFFT object. See :py:class:`~torchkbnufft.KbNufftAdjoint` for details. Note: This function is intended to be used in conjunction with :py:class:`~torchkbnufft.ToepNufft` for forward operations. * :attr:`omega` should be of size ``(len(im_size), klength)`` or ``(N, len(im_size), klength)``, where ``klength`` is the length of the k-space trajectory. Args: omega: k-space trajectory (in radians/voxel). im_size: Size of image with length being the number of dimensions. weights: Non-Cartesian k-space weights (e.g., density compensation). Default: ``torch.ones(omega.shape[1])`` norm: Whether to apply normalization with the FFT operation. Options are ``"ortho"`` or ``None``. grid_size: Size of grid to use for interpolation, typically 1.25 to 2 times ``im_size``. Default: ``2 * im_size`` numpoints: Number of neighbors to use for interpolation in each dimension. n_shift: Size for fftshift. Default: ``im_size // 2``. table_oversamp: Table oversampling factor. kbwidth: Size of Kaiser-Bessel kernel. order: Order of Kaiser-Bessel kernel. Returns: The FFT kernel for approximating the forward/adjoint operation. Examples: >>> image = torch.randn(1, 1, 8, 8) + 1j * torch.randn(1, 1, 8, 8) >>> omega = torch.rand(2, 12) * 2 * np.pi - np.pi >>> toep_ob = tkbn.ToepNufft() >>> kernel = tkbn.calc_toeplitz_kernel(omega, im_size=(8, 8)) >>> image = toep_ob(image, kernel) """ if omega.ndim not in (2, 3): raise ValueError("Unrecognized k-space shape.") if weights is not None: if weights.ndim not in (2, 3): raise ValueError("Unrecognized weights dimension.") if omega.ndim == 3 and weights.ndim == 2: if weights.shape[0] == 1: weights = weights.repeat(omega.shape[0], 1) if not weights.shape[0] == omega.shape[0]: raise ValueError("weights and omega do not have same batch size") if omega.ndim == 2: kernel = calc_one_batch_toeplitz_kernel( omega=omega, im_size=im_size, weights=weights, norm=norm, grid_size=grid_size, numpoints=numpoints, table_oversamp=table_oversamp, kbwidth=kbwidth, order=order, ) else: kernel_list = [] for i, omega_it in enumerate(omega): if weights is None: weights_it = None else: weights_it = weights[i] kernel_list.append( calc_one_batch_toeplitz_kernel( omega=omega_it, im_size=im_size, weights=weights_it, norm=norm, grid_size=grid_size, numpoints=numpoints, table_oversamp=table_oversamp, kbwidth=kbwidth, order=order, ) ) kernel = torch.stack(kernel_list) return kernel
def calc_one_batch_toeplitz_kernel( omega: Tensor, im_size: Sequence[int], weights: Optional[Tensor] = None, norm: Optional[str] = None, grid_size: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, numpoints: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = 6, table_oversamp: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = 2 ** 10, kbwidth: float = 2.34, order: Union[float, Sequence[float]] = 0.0, ) -> Tensor: """See calc_toeplitz_kernel().""" device = omega.device normalized = True if norm == "ortho" else False adj_ob = tkbn.KbNufftAdjoint( im_size=im_size, grid_size=grid_size, numpoints=numpoints, n_shift=[0 for _ in range(omega.shape[0])], table_oversamp=table_oversamp, kbwidth=kbwidth, order=order, dtype=omega.dtype, device=omega.device, ) # if we don't have any weights, just use ones assert isinstance(adj_ob.table_0, Tensor) if weights is None: weights = torch.ones(omega.shape[-1], dtype=adj_ob.table_0.dtype, device=device) weights = weights.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0) else: weights = # apply adjoints to n-1 dimensions if omega.shape[0] > 1: kernel = adjoint_flip_and_concat(1, omega, weights, adj_ob, norm) else: kernel = adj_ob(weights, omega, norm=norm) # now that we have half the kernel # we can use Hermitian symmetry kernel = reflect_conj_concat(kernel, 2) # make sure kernel is Hermitian symmetric kernel = hermitify(kernel, 2) # for cases where grid_size does not equal 2, we can have some weird scaling effects # here we invert the scaling term from the final fft to match the nufft op if normalized: scale_factor = torch.sqrt( * adj_ob.im_size) / # type: ignore ) else: scale_factor = 1 / * adj_ob.im_size) # type: ignore # put the kernel in fft space return fft_fn(kernel, omega.shape[0], normalized=normalized)[0, 0] * scale_factor def adjoint_flip_and_concat( dim: int, omega: Tensor, weights: Tensor, adj_ob: KbNufftAdjoint, norm: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Tensor: """Calculate oversampled Toeplitz kernel by iterating over permutations. This function calculates the Hermitian-symmetric kernel by applying an adjoint NUFFT to a query signal over all possible dimension flips. It accomplishes this via recursions. Args: omega: k-space trajectory (in radians/voxel). weights: Non-Cartesian k-space weights (e.g., density compensation). adj_ob: An object for adjoint NUFFTs. norm; Optional: Whether to apply normalization with the FFT operation. Options are ``"ortho"`` or ``None``. Returns: Toeplitz kernel calculated by iterating over permutations. """ im_dim = dim + 2 if dim < omega.shape[0] - 1: kernel1 = adjoint_flip_and_concat(dim + 1, omega, weights, adj_ob, norm) flip_coef = torch.ones( omega.shape[0], dtype=omega.dtype, device=omega.device ).unsqueeze(-1) flip_coef[dim] = -1 kernel2 = adjoint_flip_and_concat( dim + 1, flip_coef * omega, weights, adj_ob, norm ) else: kernel1 = adj_ob(weights, omega, norm=norm) flip_coef = torch.ones( omega.shape[0], dtype=omega.dtype, device=omega.device ).unsqueeze(-1) flip_coef[dim] = -1 kernel2 = adj_ob(weights, flip_coef * omega, norm=norm) # calculate the size of the zero block zero_block_shape = torch.tensor(kernel1.shape) zero_block_shape[im_dim] = 1 zero_block = torch.zeros( *zero_block_shape, dtype=kernel1.dtype, device=kernel1.device ) # remove zero freq and concat kernel2 = kernel2.narrow(im_dim, 1, kernel2.shape[im_dim] - 1) return, zero_block, kernel2.flip(im_dim)), im_dim) def reflect_conj_concat(kernel: Tensor, dim: int) -> Tensor: """Reflects and conjugates kern before concatenating along dim. Args: kernel: One half of a full, Hermitian-symmetric kernel. dim: The integer across which to apply Hermitian symmetry. Returns: The full FFT kernel after Hermitian-symmetric reflection. """ dtype, device = kernel.dtype, kernel.device flipdims = torch.arange(dim, kernel.ndim, device=device) # calculate size of central z block zero_block_shape = torch.tensor(kernel.shape, device=device) zero_block_shape[dim] = 1 zero_block = torch.zeros(*zero_block_shape, dtype=dtype, device=device) # reflect the original block and conjugate it # the below code looks a bit hacky but we don't want to flip the 0 dim # TODO: make this better tmp_block = kernel.conj() for d in flipdims: tmp_block = tmp_block.index_select( d, torch.remainder( -1 * torch.arange(tmp_block.shape[d], device=device), tmp_block.shape[d] ), ) tmp_block = (zero_block, tmp_block.narrow(dim, 1, tmp_block.shape[dim] - 1)), dim ) # concatenate and return return, tmp_block), dim) def hermitify(kernel: Tensor, dim: int) -> Tensor: """Enforce Hermitian symmetry. This function takes an approximately Hermitian-symmetric kernel and enforces Hermitian symmetry by calcualting a tensor that reverses the coordinates and conjugates the original, then averaging that tensor with the original. Args: kernel: An approximately Hermitian-symmetric kernel. dim: The last imaging dimension. Returns: A Hermitian-symmetric kernel. """ device = kernel.device start = kernel.clone() # reverse coordinates for each dimension # the below code looks a bit hacky but we don't want to flip the 0 dim # TODO: make this better for d in range(dim, kernel.ndim): kernel = kernel.index_select( d, torch.remainder( -1 * torch.arange(kernel.shape[d], device=device), kernel.shape[d] ), ) return (start + kernel.conj()) / 2